Solve Your Near-term Water Issues With Long-term Assistance

At APT Water, we offer a range of contract and financing options to help alleviate the burden of an upfront capital spend on our water treatment systems.

Water Treatment as a Service - Just pay for clean water by the gallon!

Look to us to design, build, and operate your APT system at a fixed price per month over a set amount of months turning a capital expenditure into an affordable, ongoing operating cost.

Our Water-Treatment-as-a-Service option allows you to address your water-related issues in the near term while spreading the cost over the long term. Our WaaS offering involves signing an agreement subject to standard terms and conditions. We’ll then provide delivery of service over the agreed upon timeframe which includes:

This entire system is offered at a pre-determined fixed price per month for the agreed upon contract length with the first payment due on the day the APT Water system is delivered. At the end of the contract, you then have the option to purchase the equipment, extend the duration, or return the equipment.

Project Financing

In addition to our Water-Treatment-as-a-Service option, we also offer lease and lease-to-purchase financing help across our different solutions to help reduce your upfront system investment. We offer flexibility in terms of how much you want to pay for the initial equipment and how much you want to finance over the lease term.

We know capital budgets are constrained but the need for clean water without producing waste has never been greater. Our flexible contract and financing options are here to help alleviate your financial concerns to get you the help you need today.