Complete Destruction & Mineralization of Contaminants... From 1,4-Dioxane to PFAS

The industrial water situation has never been as challenging as it is today. As quality process water demand increases and emerging effluent contaminants require more effective decontamination, finding the right treatment technology is more important than ever. 

At APT Water, we specialize in treating the most difficult-to-degrade organics in a cost-effective manner with limited residual waste… and we’ve been doing it for over 30 years. Our solutions like HiPOx also have the flexibility to incorporate add-on technologies to simultaneously treat coincidental contaminants. These add-ons include granular activated carbon (GAC), Ion
Exchange Resins (IX), engineered clay adsorption products, membrane filtration, and mechanical filtration units. For example, we work with IX providers to remove PFAS at high flow rates.

Our Water & Wastewater Treatment Solution Options


High performance advanced oxidation for municipal, industrial & remediation applications that’s often a fraction of the cost & energy use than alternatives.

Relevant Case Studies Worth Reading